You selected your image. Analyze the overall color palette used and take an inventory of specific hues found in the image you are extracting color from. You must have at least 10-15 found colors to use from the reference art that you selected (create an inventory list). Break away from the colors you like and start training the eye to assess color objectively. Find color combinations that you might not otherwise consider and learn the ability to represent the countless tones of a visual source.
Create at least 3 sketches (showing color distribution), well balanced, creative composition. in your sketchbook as well, analyze and start applying colored areas in your sketches as a visual reference. use acrylic or watercolor on your drafts in your sketchbook preferably around the 6"x6" area you will be using as your square color palette. Practice some color mixing with the palette you selected to figure out the division how to mix the exact colors. Think about how the colors will interact in your composition. When mapping it out your colors, use light pencil to visualize color placement.
• Bristol board, 9x12"
• reference painting (from art books in closet)
• 6"x6" bristol square for swatch of colors
• All 3 pieces to be mounted on matte board (Reference Painting, color swatches, Final Composition)
Find several pages from magazines, art reproductions, Paintings with color combinations that you usually don't use. You are going to create a non-proportional color inventory taking a careful inventory of the colors seen in the painting and mixing each color to match the original color in the your source image. Examine, analyze and map out the colors as well as thinking of your composition. you will create at least 3 sketches of ideas for composition. Be very aware of the areas of color placement, always considering values, contrast, highlights in composition. check hierarchy, focal areas, mapping out the colors you identified and where they will be used in painting with new color palette.
Make a non-proportional inventory with uncountable number of tones (images taken from the natural world or complex paintings are good sources) you will have to average out the main colors in the painting. Begin the inventory with a square of flat color, (about 6" X "6 inches) use a background color directly from the image. Try to match the colors you observe precisely, create between 10 and 15 different dots. Design a composition of your own using tones drawn from the non-proportional inventory.

Students' samples

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