Project Description
Create four representational compositions in watercolor and fine mechanical ink pen (optional) This project will work as a thematic series. Please follow all the elements and principles of art regarding your composition (rules apply to everything you do) and be creative on concept, subjects, positioning, framing, cropping in, aware of value, contrast, perspective, heir achy, Figure/ground etc… all that we reviewed from the year. make the piece interesting using your creative skills. Your series can be interpretive, conceptual, you can also create abstractions from your subjects. there are many elements and ideas to be inspired by. compositions must be strong and still lives and whatever subject your working with needs to be placed into context so it looks aesthetically appealing to the eye. think of your themes. Don't take the easy way. challenge yourself and create a beautiful complex resolved polished work of art. RESEARCH on the internet as well!
You will focus on your exploration with the watercolor medium to produce a series of four (4) 8"x10" (8"x10" will be measured out from the 9x12 sheet of bristol paper. do not trim down. the size is 9x12 and u measure out an 8x10" space in the middle. 1" border on the vertical from top and bottom. and 1/2" border on each side. this will measure out 8x10. don not cut it out. the borders are used as space to matte and frame the pieces for sending to the watercolor competition.
The watercolor paintings should addressing the idea of scenic place and atmosphere in Florida, and using the following starting points.:
You will focus on your exploration with the watercolor medium to produce a series of four (4) 8"x10" (8"x10" will be measured out from the 9x12 sheet of bristol paper. do not trim down. the size is 9x12 and u measure out an 8x10" space in the middle. 1" border on the vertical from top and bottom. and 1/2" border on each side. this will measure out 8x10. don not cut it out. the borders are used as space to matte and frame the pieces for sending to the watercolor competition.
The watercolor paintings should addressing the idea of scenic place and atmosphere in Florida, and using the following starting points.:
- Tropical flora, plant life, nature, details, scenery,
- Landscape/Seascape (details, underwater sea life and corals, above water scenic)
- Botanical/Biological - animals in their environment, tropical fruits, native flowers,
- Architecture (urban, suburban, rural) i.e. could be historic spanish style
All four paintings must work together to communicate your idea regarding place. This can be literal, or conceptual. use the idea of cropping of the page, balance the subject, create interesting positive negative spaces, movement, cohesive thematic series.
Examples of literal places include: your garden or gardens, everglades, viscaya, south beach, south beach architecture, fairchild tropical gardens, still life, observation of nature, historical landmarks, fruits, flowers, vegetation, native trees plants, beach, aquatic life underwater, exotic birds, fish, animals, etc…. remember to really think of your composition and be thoughtful on how you are using the 8x10 area.
Examples of conceptual places include: the idea of home, the idea of nature, all the beautiful life we have around us. zoom in on it, beauty is in the details and unexpected discoveries so open your eyes and really explore!
Class Day one-
20 sketches of concepts and ideas. brain storm.
10 comprehensives sketches of different ideas (full color) 4"x 6"
4 final compositions (hard pencil used lightly as guideline on your page) 8" x 10"
(Finish the above for Homework, and start on your paintings at home)
Class Day Two-
Final Day of Painting.
Due at end of class. Monday, May 9th. Tuesday, May 10th.
Look up watercolor artists. Start with William Turner watercolor studies. RESEARCH. Audubon society, Georgia O'keeffe,
You will be evaluated on the following:
- 25 pts- Homework/creative process (Thumbnails, comprehensives, title, theme)
- 30 pts- Quality of Compositions (Design Elements, focal points, eye movement)
- 30 pts- Quality of Painting/Rendering (Craftsmanship, technique)
- 15 pts- Concept/theme (communication of your idea)