Sep 25, 2019

PROJECT 06: Figure/Ground Relationships (Space is Shape)

Project Due Date: Critique, Beginning of class

Section 1/Samimy: Wednesday, Oct. 2nd
Section 2/Samimy: Thursday, Oct. 3rd

Project Description

You should have reviewed and understood the reference material on figure/ground relationships provided below.
Now, create a series of 3 abstract (non-representational) compositions using different cut out shapes in various sizes as necessary. Use the three types of figure/ground relationship to create a unique and effective composition. Use contrasting (variation in size) shapes against each other, layer shapes as you need, merge them together or place them stratigically keeping in mind the aesthetics of your composition. Crop, combine, repeat, mirror, rotate, enlarge, and/or reduce the shapes. Think about the following concepts listed below and the meaning of each relationship. Think creatively, aesthetically and be innovative:
  • Figure/ground relationship- stable/reversible/ambiguous
  • Balance- symmetrical/asymmetrica/all-over, equalized tension
  • Composition- dynamic/static
  • Vertical/diagonal/horizontal
  • Hierarchy (emphasis)
  • Movement/directionality


    Start doing thumbnails with pencil or black construction paper in your sketchbook, at least 3 different ideas for each composition (total 9 thumbnails on sketchbook.) If you haven't found a strong solution/idea… more thumbnail sketches will be necessary! 
      Class time-
      At start of class, consult with your teacher and select the best pieces. Choose 3 final designs that distribute positive and negative space into fluid, balanced compositions following the three required relationships. Note: You can explore enlarging the whole composition or some parts, cropping, adding or deleting shapes.
        Re-create the three selected compositions with black/colored, and white construction paper. Use the same type of paper for your 3 compositions, so you do not have any change in white/black/colored shapes.

        You will be graded on completion of thumbnail ideas, well resolved compositions, creativity, aesthetics, craftsmanship, neatness, class participation during critique. Deadlines must respected.


          • black construction paper or colored paper of your choice
          • x-acto knife/sharp scissors
          • rubber cement or elmers type glue or glue stick
          • (3) 9" x 12" paper 

          Students Samples

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