Sep 11, 2019

PROJECT 03: TWO PART Assignment - 10 GRAYSCALE VALUE STUDIES / COMPOSITION Applying gray value scales

Due Dates 
Section 1/Samimy, Due Date: MONDAY, Sept. 16
Section 2/Samimy: Due Date: TUESDAY Sept.17


Project Description

End goal of Project:  You will Create 2 non-representational (abstract) compositions that show a wide rage of gray values using only pencil. You cannot use gradients within each shape. They must be continuous values of gray. BLOCK OUT YOUR SHAPES WITH SOLID GRAY VALUES. You may also apply textural patterns and stippling that will also show value and contrast. (See reference below). You can inspire your designs from different elements of nature, or any other inspirational imagery. Must be interpretive or original designs.

Apply more pressure to obtain darker grays and less pressure for lighter gray values. pay attention to detail and craft. Remember no smudging to get the gray.

Materials Needed

• Graphite pencils - Range from hard leads - soft leads  (2H, HB, 2B, 4B,6B,)
• 9"x12" size paper (divide in 2 equal sections measuring 6"x9")

Demonstration links for developing 10 value graysale black-white:


Day one (In-Class)
A. Presentation 
Short lecture going over the concept of value, shading techniques, and overview of compositional strategies. 

B. Value Scales
Practice your value scales in your sketchbooks. Each value scale should consist of ten levels ranging from black to white. Start by making a grid, 1/4" - 1/2" square, then shade each square individually. Be sure to keep the value consistent within each square, and keep the change in value consistent from square to square. Each square must show distinctive values. Fill at least one sketchbook page of scales studies.

10 Step Value Scale

C. Compositional  Sketches 
Once you adapt to using your pencil and it's various pressures, start doing approximately 3" x 5" thumbnails in your sketchbook- at least 4-6 thumbnail sketches developing ideas for the 2 compositions (total 4-6 thumbnails in sketchbook). You will be graded on this. AREAS SHOULD WORK IN SOME WHITE SPACE AND TEXTURAL MARKINGS. Sketches and design ideas will be due at the beginning of the next class.

D. Homework
Finish a full page of value scales STUDIES AND  compositional sketches to be turned in at the beginning of class for review. Along with the full page of value scales, your DETAILED thumbnails will be graded for 50% of your total grade. DUE AT BEGINNING OF CLASS

Final Compositions (DUE AT BEGINNING OF CLASS) Consult with your teacher via text or "remind" and also speak with your fellow students, to select the best two compositions for your final designs. These will be completed on the measured6"x9" bristol board divided in half on page. Remember to try and communicate two distinct ideas (this can be an emotion, nature, imagined design or anything else you can think of)You must use at least 5-7 shades of grays incorporated in your compositions.


Assessment is based on your creativity, composition, craftsmanship, time-management, and the completion of all steps of the process (4-6 preliminary sketches, 5 value scales, 2 finished compositions). Your final pieces must contain 10 steps in value from black to white. 

Students Samples

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